Fearless Masters Wedding


An international conference for wedding photographers

April 16-17, 2024 – Crete, Greece
“Communicating with colleagues from 3 continents with a common vision
but different experiences and cultures is invaluable”

The Fearless Masters conference is about so much more than hearing and learning from the speakers. It’s the shared experience of being at such an amazing event with the world’s best wedding photographers. Chatting over dinner, going out for drinks with them. Just hanging out with them. I can call many of them friends. Even though we see some of them only once a year, there is an unbreakable bond between us all. We don’t stand around talking about photography techniques, we just enjoy sharing life together when we meet.

Fearless Photographers & the Masters of Wedding Photography have been organising conferences for their world wide wedding photography communities for many years. Since 2023 they joined forces to create one bigger better conference to give you nothing but the best.


Get ready for the next one!